Prayer For Deeper, Stronger Faith in God

"Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust.... " - Psalm 40:4

Oh God and Father, how great and mighty and eternal Thou art! And yet how wonderful to realize that, with all Thy greatness and power, Thou dost know my name! Thou dost love me and care for me just like a dear child!

How true it is, Father, that I do not always understand the reasons for many of the things that happen to me and my dear ones. No, I do not always understand the reasons for the pain and the evil and the hard times which come to us all, dear Father. But I do want my faith to be so great that I don't need to understand - that all I need to do is trust Thee - and in Thy good time all will be made clear to me!

Sometimes when I am out in the world, dear Father, Thou seemest far away. And then I sometimes forget Thee. But please, loving father, do not forget me! For deep down in my heart I do know how difficult it would be to go through life without Thee. So please, dear Father, do give me deeper, stronger faith in Thee. Help me to think of Thee as a dear, good Father; who is always near me and ready to guide and protect me.

That is how I feel now as I say this prayer, my Father, and that is the way I always want to feel. I will have faith, dear Father. I do have faith! Amen. 

Our Patient Merciful God
The Bible and the Gospel speak of God's great mercy for us ...

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